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Street address: 7700
City / suburb: Louisville, KY
Zip code: 40214
Phone: (888) 583-2943 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: survivalnecessities1@gmail.com
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Planning for your future survival or your next outdoor adventure? Shop our survival kits, water storage, survival food, camping supplies and more!

Welcome to SurvivalNecessities, where you can browse a variety of survival kits, emergency food, camping supplies, and more!!! We are here to meet all of your survival needs and provide you with an excellent customer experience!For as long as I can remember, I have been the kind of person who felt the need to be prepared for anything. I was always the person to go to if you needed a band aid, headache medicine, an extra bottle of water, etc. Once I became a parent, as many of you can relate to, my need to be prepared intensified. I wanted to make sure that my family would be safe and able to survive in any given circumstance. Once I realized that I wasn't the only one with this need, I decided to create SurvivalNecessities.Here, at SurvivalNecessities, we want everyone to have the sense of peace that comes with knowing you are prepared for anything. Whether it's a hike, camping trip, long road trip, or in the event of a disaster, we want to give everyone the opportunity to be ready for anything. We strive for customer satisfaction, and will continue to add products that our customers love and need! Our goal is to provide quality products at the lowest possible price. Being prepared and having peace of mind should be affordable, and we are constantly working to ensure that it is!

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City / suburb: Louisville, KY

survival kits, flashlights, outdoor cooking, survival food, freeze dried foods, first aid kits, survival gear, emergency food kits, seeds, long term food storage, water filters, outdoor supplies, water bottles, tents, backpacks, sporting goods equipment, fire starters, camping goods, outdoor survival


Wise company, Guardian survival gear, Moteng.

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