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Street address: 1925 Palomar Oaks Way, Suite 220
City / suburb: Carlsbad, CA
Zip code: 92013
Phone: (877) 931-8003 (Primary Phone)
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TriWellness is a international provider of Health Management Solutions to help reduce health care costs through improved employee health.

The TriWellness Approach incorporates three distinct philosophies on population health management and best practices to create a successful culture of wellness within an organization.Reverse the TrendIf we accept the fact that the current trend, over time, is for individuals to move from low-risk to high-risk and for the resulting costs to move from low-cost to high-cost, then an organization must prioritize a two-fold strategy of total population health management in order to achieve a culture of wellness. First, it must keep the healthy people healthy and prevent them from becoming high-risk and high-cost. Second, it must work to reduce the health risks of the moderate and high-risk groups to help control or reverse the increasing costs.Fully-Integrated, Results-Based Wellness SolutionTriWellness delivers all wellness-related services that are fully-integrated and results-based. With the technology and knowledge available today, we are able to provide a point-to-point wellness solution that offers a population health management strategy that has the direction, purpose, and seamless integration to be successful and achieve a positive, measurable ROI.Technology Alone Does Not Create a Culture of WellnessStand-alone technologies will neither create individual behavior change, nor create a company-wide culture of wellness. Technologies are simply the mechanism through which wellness and health promotion can be communicated and delivered. It takes a wellness approach with the right blend of high-tech and high-touch health promotion initiatives that, when delivered in a targeted manner, create the overall culture of wellness that leads to individual behavior change.

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City / suburb: Carlsbad, CA

wellness, health and fitness program consultant services, employee screening and testing

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