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Street address: 2124 Bennington court
City / suburb: Thousand Oaks, CA
Zip code: 91360
Phone: (818) 298-2845 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: dolby.ellie@mommy-babybondingblanket.com
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From the first time a baby cuddles against mom there is a bond of love created that will never be broken. However, as much as a parent wishes to alwa

Used by celebrities like Melisa Joan Hart, Lisa Ling and Emily Deschanel, the Mommy-Baby Bonding Blanket is the perfect cuddly creation that keeps parents, grandparents, and loved ones connected with their new little ones. The concept behind the blanket was to create a keepsake that's infused with its giver's love and energy, something that can be a comfort to babies whether they are apart from their family or playing next to them on the rug. Made only in the U.S.A. Each blanket is created from a soft minky fabric that soothes babies and feels wonderfully smooth and comfortable against their delicate skin. To use, the parent should cuddle with the blanket, infusing it with their own special scent, so when their baby cuddles with it, they have something familiar and it is filled with love. These 16x16" blankets are just the right size for traveling with babies, and they won't get balled up in car seats, carriers, or strollers. They also provide a safe barrier between babies and zippers,

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City / suburb: Thousand Oaks, CA

blankets of love, gifts for toddlers, babys first birthday, gifts for babys, blankets, newborn, security blankets, newborn blankets, baby gifts, minky blanket, keepsake blankets, bedding, baby blankets

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