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City / suburb: Bear, DE
Zip code: 19701
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Original Skinny Fiber by Master Strategies

Original Skinny Fiber by Master Strategies has been formulated to work with your body to help you get healthy, feel full faster and start to lose weight.Our Main Ingredients Include:Glucomannan: is a unique all natural soluble dietary fiber that Expands in your stomach helping you feel full so you won’t overeat … overeating is the main reason so many struggle with weight loss. In addition to the amazing sensation of feeling full on its way through the digestive tract, glucomannan supports the colon, thereby supporting the entire digestive system.*Each capsule of our product contains 500 mg of Glucommanan which is required when using any scientific studies of Glucomannan for weight loss.a-glucomannanGlucomannan is a natural sugar made from the root of the konjac plant found in Asian countries.Glucomannan is a main ingredient in some medicines that have been used for treating constipation, and weight loss; also type 2 diabetes, some blood sugar control, and helping to lower cholesterol.The advantage of glucomannan to a person who is dieting is that Glucommanan turns into a gel like substance which therefore makes you feel full faster and you won’t have any cravings or desires to overeat.Caralluma: is a plant, in the cactus family, and has been known to be used as a natural appetite suppressant in India for centuries, particularly during times of famine. It has been known to help suppress your appetite.a-carallumaCaralluma is a succulent plant from the cactus family from India.It is used to suppress hunger and appetite and enhance your stamina by gently boosting your metabolism.By helping to boost your metabolism, therefore it improves your ability to burn fat.Cha de Bugre: is known as the Brazilian secret to weight management.*a-bugreCha de Bugre is a red fruit that looks a lot like a coffee bean. And it comes from a Tree in South America. Natives to South America will use it as a coffee substitute when brewed into a tea.It has shown to help support your metabolism.There has been indications that it also will help suppress your appetite.Our product also has the Best Quality of Digestive Enzymes on the Market!They include: Protease, Amylase, Lipase, Glucoamylase, Papain, Cellulase and BromelainThe digestive enzymes in our product will help you absorb the food you eat.Most processed foods we eat are devoid of Digestive EnzymesThey help digest proteins, carbohydrates and fat.

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Estimated number of employees: 1
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City / suburb: Bear, DE

protein supplements, dietary minerals, dietary health product ingredients, enzyme combination supplements, vitamins, health foods, meal replacement products, personal care products, specialized dietary supplements, nutritional supplements for animals, personal health products, fiber supplements, herbal combination supplements, dietary herbs and botanicals, business opportunity services, ageless skin serum, skinny fiber


Skinny Fiber A Dietary Supplement.

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