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Street address: 730 Lambeau St
City / suburb: Green Bay, WI
Zip code: 54307
Phone: (920) 499-1451 (Primary Phone)
(920) 499-1451 (Customer Service)
(800) 242-6324 (Toll-Free)
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Belson Company, located in Green Bay, Wisconsin sells and services commercial and coin operated laundry equipment to farms, nursing homes, hospitals,

Market Segmentslaundry equipment and chemicals for all industriesAthletic FacilitiesCommercial Clothes Washer and Dryers for Athletic Facilities & Health Clubs - The E-Series Commercial Washers is perfect for any athletic center. These highly efficient commercial clothes washers can tackle any cleaning job, while reducing utility and labor costs.Dairy FarmsIndustrial Washers and Dryers for Dairy Farms - Many dairies have on-site industrial washer and dryers for cleaning towels and other washable items. Features including high-speed extraction, automatic chemical injection and a soft-mount design ensure that equipment can be installed easily - without concrete foundations and bolts; towels come out of the washer nearly dry and ready for use; and that bacteria and contaminates are properly removed from each load every time.Healthcare FacilitiesHealthcare Facilities Laundry Equipment - Continental's E-Series laundry equipment can tackle any healthcare cleaning job - and in the process - cut utility and labor expenses and dramatically improve laundry productivity.Party RentalParty RentalCommercial Laundry Equipment for Party and Linen Rental Businesses - Party Rental companies require a laundry process that delivers superior results and a quick turn-around. By selecting the right laundry equipment - washer-extractors, industrial ironers and drying tumblers - you can dramatically boost laundry productivity, while using less labor and utilities water, natural gas and electricity.Veterinary ClinicsVeterinary Clinic Laundry Equipment - In any medical office, an efficient laundry system is a must for a clean and sanitary environment. The E-Series provides the perfect blend of efficiency and quality in commercial washers and dryers.Bed & BreakfastsCommercial Clothes Washer and Dryers for Bed & Breakfasts - By replacing top-load commercial clothes washers with Continental's Energy Star-rated E-Series Commercial Washer-Extractors, a B&B will save time and money on labor and utilities.Fire DepartmentsFire Department Laundry Equipment: Gear Dryers and Washers - Contaminated protective gear exposes firefighters to potentially life-threatening chemicals, biological agents and particulate matter. Industry experts agree highly programmable commercial laundry equipment is key to safely washing fire department gear in order to avoid damage to the gear itself

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City / suburb: Green Bay, WI
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