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Street address: 601 S 7th St
City / suburb: Las Vegas, NV
Zip code: 89101
Phone: (702) 997-0516 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: gregorydknapp@gmail.com
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You can come to my firm for help with any of a wide variety of criminal cases.

Many of my clients hire me to help them address speeding tickets and other types of traffic violations. A large share of my case load at any given time consists of DUI cases ranging from under 21 DUI to hit and run and vehicular manslaughter. I assist with every stage of the process, from the DMV hearing to address the automatic driver's license suspension, to taking the case to a full jury trial if necessary to keep your criminal record clean. I can fight to defend you against criminal charges including:$ Domestic violence$ Public intoxication$ Drug crimes from marijuana possession to trafficking$ Internet crimes$ Child abuse$ Prostitution$ RapeFurthermore, I am often called upon to represent clients who are accused of committing probation violations and need to take action to avoid being sent to jail for the remainder of their sentence, as well as quashing bench warrants for failure to appear or contempt of court. To learn more about what to expect in your case, read my criminal defense FAQ page and the most recent posts to my blog.In addition to my experience handling cases in the courtroom, I also have a background as an adjunct professor at the College of Southern Nevada, as well as teaching at both the police academy and the service training school for nine years. Furthermore, I was the research assistant for the seminal book Prosecutor's Manual for Arrest by Adams and Blinka. Currently, I serve on the board of directors as treasurer for the Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada, a non profit organization that offers support services to families with children living with cancer. To learn more about me and find out how I can help you with your case, contact my office now for your free case evaluation.

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City / suburb: Las Vegas, NV

Traffic Ticket Lawyer, construction law attorneys, admiralty and maritime law attorneys, arbitration and mediation law attorneys, condemnation attorneys, conservator and guardian attorneys, divorce attorneys, appellate attorneys, education law attorneys, DUI Attorney, alimony attorneys, constitutional law attorneys, adoption law attorneys, copyright law attorneys, customs attorneys, Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney, communications law attorneys, civil rights law attorneys, collections attorneys, consumer rights attorneys, contract law attorneys, attorneys, driving while intoxicated attorneys (dui/dwi), civil litigation attorneys, bankruptcy law attorneys, antitrust and trade regulation law attorneys, disability law attorneys, automobile accident attorneys, criminal law attorneys

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