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Street address: 2415 Carter Ln #3
City / suburb: Columbia, MO
Zip code: 65201
Phone: (573) 239-6112 (Primary Phone)
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Keystone Chiropractic & Sensory Development Center opened its doors May 2013 and we are excited to be in Columbia, Missouri! We are here for you. Our

Each patient at each visit is evaluated for spinal subluxations which are slight misalignments of the bones in your spine that are affecting the associated nerve. Spinal subluxations can also contribute to an atypical or immature development of the nervous system which can lead to various developmental delays or chronic health issues.Many children with neurodevelopmental disorders and adults with chronic health problems have a lowered immune system; chiropractic care is known to support the immune system so the body may begin to heal itself. Nutrition coaching/testing Neuronutritional Care is essential for optimum function at the cellular level. Cells are the “building blocks of life”. Without proper nutrition and/or with a chronic bombardment of toxins or stress, our cells cannot function properly and may become sick. Neurodevelopmental therapy Neurodevelopmental therapy is essential for proper neurodevelopment which ultimately leads to optimum academic, social, behavioral, and motor learning. Currently in the United States, one out of six children has a neurodevelopmental disorder. At Keystone Chiropractic & Sensory Development Center, we specialize in working with children and adults through our Elevating Lives program with Neurodevelopment Disorders as well as prevention and development.

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City / suburb: Columbia, MO

Wellness, Lower back pain therapy, chiropractic back pain therapy, Chiropractic Adjustment, chiropractic nutrition consultation services, chiropractic neck pain therapy

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