Feedback form
- How can I update my company?
- How can I add my company?
- How can I claim my company?
- How can I remove my company?
- Find your company profile page through our catalog or search engine.
- Click the "Update" button at the upper-right corner of the company profile page.
- Edit the desired fields.
- Click the “Add a company” link at the upper-right corner of this page.
- Fill and submit the form (fill out as many fields as you can for the best results).
(If you register with Whereorg first, your newly added company will be attached to your profile automatically, but you can also claim your company later.)
- Register with Whereorg and log in.
- Find your company profile through our catalog or search engine.
- Click the “Claim” button at the upper-right corner of your company profile.
- The applicable law allows us to show our data, but you can send us a removal request through our feedback form (please note that it may take a few days to process).
- We strongly suggest that you update your company profile instead of deleting it, as you may lose potential customers searching for your company or products and services at Whereorg!