
Reviews for James Wilson

James Wilson
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Saint Croix Falls, 2764 Evergreen Ave
Phone (715) 488-2707
A very dissatisfied customer
1 / 29 / 2016
Don't waste your time on a piece of garbage.

Don't waste your time or money on this dirt ball. He is an illegal farmer and doesn't care about anybody but himself. A true piece of human garbage that man is.

While I was picking up corn the POS started telling me about how he dug a trench to drain his fields and intentionally flood out his neighbors field. Then he laughed about the fact that his neighbor is now being forced to move because he can no longer pay his mortgage because his farm land is ruined.

I unloaded the corn I was going to buy from him and told him I wouldn't buy from a man like him and asked for my money back. He refused to give me my money back and proceeded to kick me off his land. I asked for my money back and he threatened to kill me if I didn't leave. So I pulled onto the road and parked on the side of the road.

He followed me off of his property to where I pulled off the road so I could call the cops to file a report. Before I could call he was at my door screaming at me to get out of his county and how he owns the county. I told him I was calling the police and that put him over the top. He started punching my truck and telling me how he owns the police and I couldn't do a thing about it.

I figured I'd drive away and call the cops, but he proceeded to follow me bumper to bumper all the way to the police station where I was going to file a report in person. As soon as he realized where I was going he drove off like a maniac almost hitting an older lady while she was crossing the road.

Needless to say I went to the cops, filed a report and they helped me get my money back from him. They told me that he does this once a month or so and he has multiple charges pending for the same type of behavior. The man belongs in the big house, not farming fields.

If I were you I'd go to a co op or someplace else to buy your corn. Don't support a crazy man with no morals that may try to kill you if he doesn't like you.

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