Pegasus Financial Inc
315 S San Gabriel Blvd., San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 286-6200
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Street address:
315 S San Gabriel Blvd.
City / suburb:
San Gabriel
Los Angeles
ZIP code:
(626) 286-6200
Contact name:
Eve Wong
Contact title:
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General information
- Business Services Financial Personal Credit Institutions Loans, Car Financing, Car Loans
- Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate Nondepository Credit Institutions Personal Credit Institutions
Business data
Standard industrial classification code: | 6141 | |
Estimated number of employees: | 1 | |
Annual sales estimate: | 396,000 | |
City / suburb: | San Gabriel, CA | |
County: | Los Angeles |
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More details about this business
According to our records, this business is located at 315 S San Gabriel Blvd. in San Gabriel (in Los Angeles County), California 91776, the location GPS coordinates are: 34.0984089 (latitude), -118.091326 (longitude). Pegasus Financial Inc is categorized under Loans (SIC code 6141). Known organization president is Eve Wong. Current estimates show that the unit has a sales volume of $396,000 and staff of approximately 1 worker. You can contact the company by phone at (626) 286-6200.
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