Pilgrim Mat Services

Pilgrim Mat Services in Tucker, GA
1815 Fellowship Road, Tucker, GA 30084
(770) 939-2523


Street address:
1815 Fellowship Road

City / suburb:

De Kalb


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(770) 939-2523

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Fans, Heating and Ventilation Equipment
548.78 miles away

Business description

We have a mat rental program that will work perfect for your business. The best part? We take care of the laundering and you never have to worry about your mats becoming worn out and obsolete.

Clean floors are important for any business that has customers visit the location. Studies show that customers are more likely to not return to a store or business if it is dirty. They are also more likely to share their experience with others, putting quite the dent in your reputation. So how do you keep your floors clean? We know how quickly floors can get dirty, especially if you get a lot of visitors throughout the day. It takes diligence to ensure that your floors are clear of debris and look nice all day when people are coming in and going out constantly. Here are two tips from your friends at Pilgrim Mat Services to help you keep your floors looking spic and span.

General information

Business data
Standard industrial classification code: 5713
City / suburb: Tucker, GA
County: De Kalb

Commercial Floor Mat Sales and Rentals, Specialty Mats, Restroom Services,

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More details about this business

According to our records, this business is located at 1815 Fellowship Road in Tucker (in De Kalb County), Georgia 30084, the location GPS coordinates are: 33.8545479 (latitude), -84.2171424 (longitude). Pilgrim Mat Services is categorized under Carpet and Rug Dealers (SIC code 5713). You can contact the company by phone at (770) 939-2523. Business website can be accessed at http://www.pilgrimmats.com/.
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