Seacoast Construction
12840 Atherton Rd., Anchorage, AK 99516
(907) 345-5219
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Street address:
12840 Atherton Rd.
City / suburb:
ZIP code:
(907) 345-5219
Contact name:
Karl Kessler
Contact title:
(907) 345-7812
GPS Longitude:
GPS Latitude:
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General information
Business data
Standard industrial classification code: | 1794 | |
Estimated number of employees: | 8 | |
Annual sales estimate: | 1,272,000 | |
City / suburb: | Anchorage, AK | |
County: | Anchorage |
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More details about this business
According to our records, this business is located at 12840 Atherton Rd. in Anchorage (in Anchorage County), Alaska 99516, the location GPS coordinates are: 61.104547 (latitude), -149.801461 (longitude). Seacoast Construction is categorized under Dozer Services (SIC code 1794). Known organization president is Karl Kessler. Current estimates show that the unit has a sales volume of $1,272,000 and staff of approximately 8 people. You can contact the company by phone at (907) 345-5219; the following fax number is also provided: (907) 345-7812.
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