
Reviews for Windflower Tours

Windflower Tours
1 rating / 1 votes Details Write a review
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Roswell, P.O. BOX 1279
Phone (770) 993-6848
Becky Johnson
8 / 15 / 2016
Never Again!

Went with Windflower Tours on a trip to Washington DC with my middle school child. They promised many things on the itinerary and did not deliver. It was like a drive by tour and rush, rush, rush without seeing anything. After complaining, I found out the owner was a retired school teacher who works out of her house with no affiliations with a reputable travel agency or tour operator. She nor her company is IATAN affiliated, which I found out was a MUST in the travel industry if you are planning any kind of field trip. The company's liability insurance was bare bones and we are so lucky there was not an accident, as they would not have had enough insurance to cover injuries! Just NOT professional and a waste of money! Many upset parents. BEWARE and do research on who is organizing your student trips! School boards should not allow wanna be travel agents with no credentials or proper insurance, to be responsible for our children on an overnight field trip!

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